Holistic Christian Life
At Holistic Christian Life, we don’t believe in compartmentalizing your health and your faith.
God created us holistically. We know this when we see how the emotion of nervousness can cause us to break out in hives or physical pain leading to depression. And, through it all, our minds are grappling for comfort, understanding, and reason. Our souls are silently communicating with God when our conscious minds cannot, and when our physical bodies cannot even kneel.
Life is a gift, not to be wasted, squandered, or gambled with.
If you are a Christian, this means that you are living your life for Christ, and that you’re serious about your faith. But what about this life that He gave us? Is it just your soul…or actually your mind and body also? How are you worshiping God with your body for instance? When you partake of the Divine Mysteries, is He entering into a body that is swept clean and taken care of? Or one that is in shambles…neglected and even abused?
By neglecting the care of our bodies, we are squandering one of God’s gifts.
Holistic Christian Life teaches us how to honor God, mind, body and soul; living for Him in every area of our life. Not compartmentalizing our physical health as something that is not a part of our faith or the state of our soul as something that is separate from the whole.
Join us on this site, and in our programs such as Filled With Less, My Beautiful Lent, and My Beautiful Advent, as we unlock a Christ centered way to look at our health. We will learn what can be done about disease, and how to flourish using the tools that God has given us within our own bodies, and in the world around us.
Holistic Christian Life - Helping people live healthy, well balanced, Christ centered lives.

Cynthia is an Orthodox Christian certified as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach through The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and is a Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Specialist through Functional Nutrition Labs Full Body Systems training. Additionally, she is certified in Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis and is completing her certification in Amino Acid Therapy for anxiety, depression, ADD, alcoholism and drug addiction. As an internationally known health coach with global clients, she helps those who simply want to change their weight and lifestyle, to those with chronic illness, all through the lens of the Orthodox Christianity. Along with her private coaching practice, she is the author of The Holistic Christian Woman, the host of the Holistic Christian Life podcast, the Filled With Less podcast, and a partner in the Filled With Less ministry with online courses and a membership. You can find out more at filledwithless.com.

Kristin Muntzing, INHC

Molly Sabourin

Marcia Moore MS, OTR, INHC