For our last step I’d like to talk about oxygen, and the importance of knowing that your body is getting enough. If you are constantly fatigued this may be an […]
Yep, last Monday I was sitting in a chair getting an IV. Actually asking for and paying out of my pocket for one. Yikes! Every time I’ve had surgery or […]
You’ve heard me say it before, but many pharmaceuticals act as a band-aide to cover up the side effects of an improper lifestyle. Not only a band-aide, but for many […]
I would like to begin by thanking everyone for their outpouring of love after my last post. This community is truly a blessing, and it is humbling and strengthening at […]
Hormonal issues are not just for teenagers and middle age women, in fact, you could be having issues with yours right now. Yes, even if you are a 30 year […]