Announcing the New Holistic Christian Life Podcast! - Holistic Christian Life

Announcing the New Holistic Christian Life Podcast!

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Announcing the New Holistic Christian Life Podcast!

Yep, this was one goal for 2o17 that I got in under the wire.  Honestly…it was up by December 31st…I’m just now getting around to telling you!   I decided to give myself some grace after a year that included biotoxin illness, black mold, being bitten by a bat….the list goes on.  Oh, and the My Daily Ascesis planner getting published.  Funny how it’s easy to look back over a year and forget things!  (That’s one more reason I like to keep a planner/journal!)

So yes, I have finally gotten the Holistic Christian Life podcast up and running. Now you can listen to Holistic Christian Life while you walk, workout, drive, cook…you name it!  The podcast features scripture, announcements, and personal ponderings, plus past My Beautiful Lent and My Beautiful Advent interviews.  For those of you who missed them in the past, or would like to hear them again, this is your chance!

For 2018, I will be alternating a blog post and podcast each week. I’ve found with the blogs and podcasts that I follow, it can get rather overwhelming trying to keep up with multiple content each week, so I’m making it easy for you! There will be a link each week to the most current podcast or blog so that you don’t have to go searching.

My first podcast is with Dr. Trent Orfanos from MBA 2016, and we talk about Stress and Heart Health.  You can find the podcast by going to the tab on this website, or subscribe on iTunes from your mobile device.  Here is an easy link!  I would love it if you subscribe, rate, and leave a comment! (iTunes likes that sort of thing, and it helps get the word out!)

Don’t forget the upcoming brain health documentary by Dr. Mark Hyman!  I will be commenting and leading discussions on the Facebook page. 

Brain degeneration is avoidable, and I’m hoping that you will join me in watching this series.


And, have you received your My Daily Ascesis planner?  Don’t let the year get away from you!  Let’s focus together on our goals, live an ordered life based on our values, and not be tossed about by the wind this year!

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